Quality Protein Maize | Baby Corn | Sweet Corn | Pop Corn | High Oil Corn |
Production Technology : Pop Corn Cultivation: The land requirements and cultIvation aspects of popcorn are similar to that of sweet corn. The seed rate is 2.5 kg/ha and the spacing followed for planting is 60 cm x 20 cm or 45 cm x 30 cm. The fertilizer doses recommended are 80 : 60 : 40 kg/ha each of N, P and K. N is applied in three equal splits at sowing, 25 and 45 days after emergence. Zinc Sulphate is to be applied @ 50 kg/ha once in three seasons. |
Variety Selection: There are three types of popcorn kernels: white, small yellow and large yellow besides red kernel types. Generally white popcorn has a rice-shaped kernel and yellow popcorn kernels are pearl-shaped. The three kernel types meet different needs within the industry. Growers and processors should consider this when selecting a variety. Industry standards have not been developed for kernel size determination. A common measure is based on the number of kernels in 10 grams. The large one has 52-67 kernels, medium 58-75, and small 76-105. | Popular variety of popcorn |
In India there are principally three released popcorn varieties (Table 1). However, all of them are medium in size and yellow kernel pearl type. These varieties can be grown across the country during kharif season, while in rabi they can predominantly be grown in peninsular India. Besides this another major consideration in popcorn variety selection is maturity because maximum popping potential of a variety can be achieved only if it reaches full maturity. If planting is delayed, consider an earlier maturing variety. |
Table 1. Popular popcorn varieties in India | ||||
Varieties | Recommended | Days to harvest | Yield | |
Seasons | Areas | |||
Amber popcorn, VL Almora popcorn & pearl popcorn | Kharif & Rabi | Across the country in kharif and peninsular India in rabi | 80-90 days in kharif and 95-100 days in rabi | 25 q/ha in kharif & 30 q/ha in rabi |
Harvesting: Either ear or shelled popcorn may be harvested. Moisture at harvesting for ear corn should be 18-20%, for shelled corn 16-18%. Harvesting equipment should be adjusted accurately and carefully so that kernel damage is prevented. Damaged kernels do not pop properly and will cause a discount on the grain market. Depending on the proximity of the processing plant, the grain may be delivered directly at harvest or stored on the farm until delivery is requested. If on-farm storage is required, storage facilities must be clean and good aeration must be provided. Aeration is essential for extended storage. Generally, the delivery of the grain is taken at 14-15% moisture, so the storage and aeration facilities must be able to remove some grain moisture. |
Popcorn intercropping with garlic in periurban agriculture |