Introduction What makes Popcorn to Pop? Nutritional Value of Popcorn
Production Technology of Popcorn Uses of Popcorn Preparations Derived from Popcorn
(Value Added Products)
Future Strategies for Popcorn in India

Future Strategies for Popcorn in India

Till date in India no hybrid of popcorn is available. Thus the produce has less uniformity, which in turn affects their market acceptance, particularly in international market. Therefore, there is a need to develop popcorn hybrids in India. Second problem associated with Indian popcorn cultivars is less popping ratio. Best popcorn variety has popping ratio of 20 : 1 as against 40: 1 in USA and they group in medium size only. Thus there is scope to breed for popcorn cultivars with enhanced popping ratio and with soft texture and bigger volume. During breeding, scheme selection is to be made towards kernels with thick pericarp, hard coating with soft starch cavity inside. For this purpose efforts may be made in screening of germplasm and their utilization in breeding schemes.

Popping ratio of popcorn is very much dependent on storage as well as popping temperature and moisture. Therefore, appropriate drying and storage of popcorn grains are very much essential. In USA and other developed countries food industries are involved in packaging popcorn with appropriate oil, butter and salts in popping bags. These bags are ready to pop in microwave. As a result such packings are very handy for end users and they fetch very good market price. Such entrepreneurship is very much essential in India. This is possible only with support from food industry and policy makers.