A. For food and nutritional security:
The Quality Protein Maize (QPM) has got special distinction among the cereals
due to presence of high amount of two essential amino acids viz., lysine and tryptophan and low content of non desirable
amino acid (leucine). Therefore, the QPM can be utilized for diversified purposes in food and nutritional security as
infant food, health food/mixes, convenience foods, speciality foods and emergency ration. It is also useful in fulfilling
the protein requirements of different sections of society (infants, lactating mothers’ convalescing patients, Kwashiorkor
diseased, old persons and infirm, etc.) to prevent malnutrition. It's green cob is very nutritious, tasty and liked by
people. The Quality Protein Maize (QPM) has been found superior food for human being. The results of the feeding trials
on childrens for 6 months at Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU), Pusa Bihar on the efficacy of Quality Protein
Maize over normal maize grain revealed that the anthropometric measurements i.e. body weight (Figure 2)
and arm circumference (Figure 3) of childrens fed with QPM were remarkably higher compared to children fed with normal
maize grain (DMR, 2006, singh, 2006). Therefore the QPM could be a cheaper source of protein for children and can thus be
used effectively as mid-day meal for which Bihar state of India has already taken good lead (TAAS, 2008).
Figure 2 Comparative gain in body weight of children fen with normal and QPM grain
Figure 3 Comparative growth in arm circumference of childrens fed with normal and QPM grain