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3.1 How to add Basic Features of a new Soil
& Climate factor .
i) Click on ‘Knowledge Acquisition’ option
then ‘Soil & Climate’ and finally ‘Basic Features’ option.
ii) Select crop/variety name for which new
Soil & Climate factor going to be added.
iii) Make appropriate entries about new Soil
& Climate factor like Ph, Soil Texture, ECE of Soil etc.
iv) Click on the Insert Button to enter the
information in database.
3.2 How to update existing Soil &
Climate factor.
i) Click on ‘Knowledge Acquisition’ option
then ‘Soil & Climate’ and finally ‘Basic Features’ option.
ii) Click on ‘UPDATE’ at the top of the lower
right frame
iii) Select Crop/Variety and appropriate Soil
& Climate factor for the updation and click on ‘Update’ button.
iv) Make appropriate Modifications in Ph, Soil
Texture, ECE of Soil etc.
v) Click on the Update Button to enter the
information in database.