Brief of Expert System for Tobacco

Knowledge based system on tobacco has been developed using Agridaksh. This expert system is farmer / extension personal oriented with easily retrievable modules on various aspects of tobacco cultivation. This system aimed to improve the efficiency of farmers and economic status and also information to policy makers. The modules included are on Tobacco insect pests and diseases, Abiotic stresses, Varieties, Soil types and Nutrient disorders, Weed management and World tobacco scenario. Pests and disease module gives detailed information about pests and diseases attacking tobacco both in nursery and field crops including insects, fungal, bacterial, viral and nematodes and their management. The module on abiotic stresses gives detailed information on abiotic stresses including post-harvest management and during the curing. Module on varieties gives comprehensive information on parentage, year of release, yield potential and suitability to the locations. Module on soil types and nutrient disorders provides information on soil types suitable to the tobacco cultivation and nutrient requirements including macro and micro nutrients and their deficiencies and adjustments. The module on weeds includes information on types of weeds in tobacco and their management in both nursery and field crop. The information system for world tobacco includes tobacco production and problems in the different countries.

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Central Tobacco Research Institute
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute 
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