utton mushroom cultivation has two major components, composting
(preparation of substrate/compost), and the crop management, (raising of
mushroom crop). The substrate preparation has undergone scores of
innovations/improvements suiting environment protection laws in many developed
countries. At the same time, casing medium has also been standardized with use
of peat and its alternative materials (FYM, Spent Mushroom Compost and Coir
Pith) with prime objective to improve productivity and quality of mushrooms.
Similarly, the crop management techniques have also been improved upon to
harvest highest possible mushroom yield over a shortest period of time. All the
operations/applications done after completion of composting are handled under
the head crop management. These include:
A. Agronomic crop management
B. Environmental crop management
A. Agronomic Crop Management
Agronomic crop management deals with the compost quantity to be
filled per m2 bed area, moisture content of compost, spawning method employed,
compost thickness in a bed or bag, casing application and thickness, watering
regimes employed, harvesting of crop and after care, pest management, hygiene
maintenance and so on. However, more important among these are
1. Spawning and spawn run
2. Casing materials, casing treatments, casing application, case
run and pinhead formation
1. Spawning and spawn run
The steps involved are (Fig. 9.1)
● Good
quality compost with temperature of 25°C
● Mixing
of grain based spawn (@ 0.5-0.7% of wet compost weight) of A.bisporus under clean conditions (i.e. with clean hands and pre-sterilized
● Filling
of spawned compost into polythene bags (12-15'’ depth) or beds (6-8'’ depth)
● Little
compressing and levelling of spawned compost

Fig. 1. Process
of spawning and filling in bags for white button mushroom
Loosely closing the mouth of polythene bags filled with spawned
compost (Covering with a clean newspaper / plastic sheet if filled in
● Shifting
the compost filled bags in cropping rooms with a temperature of 23 ± 1°C (air temp.), RH of 95% and high CO2 conc. (1.0-1.5% strain
dependent), and keeping the bags under above conditions for 12-14 days
● Completion
of spawn run (change of dark brown compost mass in to light brown colour)
● Use
of fresh pure culture spawn
● Spawning
under clean conditions (preferably under positive pressure created using bacterial filters before inlet fans and air curtains at
● Proper
treatment of spawning area and tools with formalin, and cleaning of hands with dettol
● Maintaining
good hygienic conditions during spawning by keeping all the doors/windows closed
2. Casing and case run
Casing is a 3-4 cm thick layer of soil applied on top of spawn
run compost and is a pre-requisite for fructification in A. bisporus.
a. Casing materials
Earlier sub-soil material or organic matter rich soils were used
as casing in button mushroom cultivation. Presently peat is the most desirable
casing material used world wide with excellent mushroom yields and superior fruit body
quality. However, pest is not available in India. The other alternative recommended materials
● Well
decomposed Farm Yard Manure (FYM) preferably two years old
● Well
decomposed Spent Mushroom Compost (SMC) (two years old anaerobically decomposed)
● Composted
coir pith (coir industry waste) (well decomposed & water leached)
● 1:1,
2:1 and 1:2, v/v of well decomposed FYM and SMC
● 1:1,
v/v of decomposed FYM or SMC with composted coir pith
● Decomposed
powdered bark of some forest trees
● Paper
industry waste
● Burnt
rice husk is also in use along with decomposed FYM (2:1, v/v) in seasonal
cultivation of button mushroom in Hayrana and Punjab with
reasonable success
b. Quality of casing materials
● Soft
● Light
● High
water holding capacity
● High
● Deficient
in available form of C and N
● Neutral
pH (7.0 – 7.5)
● Low
conductivity (400-600 μ moh)
c. Casing treatment
Casing material should be treated properly before its
application on the spawn run compost and the steps involved are:
● Make
a heap of casing material
● Wet
it up to 50-60% water holding capacity
● Fill
in trays and shift them to pasteurization chamber
● Steam
pasteurization at 60-65°C for 6-8 hours
● Auto-Cooling
● Make
a heap of casing material on a cemented platform
● Wet
it up to 50-60% water holding capacity
● Drench
the wet casing with formalin @ 1 litre/m3 (40% formaldehyde) by mixing with shovel
● Cover
it with polythene sheet and seal the outer periphery thereafter by pouring sand/soil on outside margin
● Keep
the material for 24-48 hours in sun for fumigation effect
● Remove
the cover after 48 h and expose the material to open air and sunlight by spreading over with clean tools and permitting the formalin
fumes to escape in to air for 2-3 days before it is used as casing (formalin
treatment effect decreases at low temperature due to inadequate fumigation)
d. Casing application (Fig.
● Unfold
the fully spawn run bag and make the top surface even by gentle pressing with hands
● Light
spray of water on spawn run compost
● Application
of 4-5 cm thick layer of casing uniformly using iron rings of 4 cm height or wooden blocks
● Water sparay
in installments immediately after casing application

Fig. 2. Process of
casing soil application for button mushroom cultivation
● Casing
material should not be sieved but used as such with clumps, which permits more air spaces in casing
● Top
casing surface should have small mounts and valleys
● Care
should be taken to prevent re-infection of the casing materials
● Store
casing material in a sterilized /clean room before use in polythene bags or synthetic cloth bags
● Apply
water to casing in a few installments so that water does not run into spawn run compost
e. Case run and pinhead formation
Case run is done at a temperature of 24 ± 1°C, RH-95% and CO2
> 7500 ppm (strain dependent) for about one week. There is no requirement for fresh
air introduction during case run. It is considered complete when mycelia come in the
valleys of casing layer. After case run, the environmental conditions are changed by
bringing down the temperature to 15-17°C (air), RH to 85% and CO2 to 800-1000 ppm (strain
dependent) by opening of the fresh air ventillation and exhausting CO2. This change in
environmental parameters induces pinhead formation in 3-4 days (strain dependent) time.
The pinheads develop into solid button sized mushrooms in another 3-4 days (Fig.3). At this stage, the air inside the cropping room is changed 4-6 times in an hour to
maintain appropriate CO2 conc. as CO2 production is at its peak during first flush (actually peaks at
case run).

Fig. 3. Arrangement
of bags in cropping room and mushroom at button stage of development
3. Supplementation
Supplementation with protein rich supplements such as cotton
seed meal, soybean meal, alfa-alfa meal, feather meal, etc. has been found to
increase the mushroom yield. Supplementation can either be done at spawning or after spawn
run before casing. The later is more useful. Supplement is first grounded coarsely and
denatured by treating with 5000 ppm formalin and before its mixing in compost. The
practice normally increases the temperature of compost by 4-5°C and if done at the time of
spawning or in poor quality compost, it results in killing of mushroom mycelium or increased
incidence of moulds. If these problems are overcome supplementation can give 20-25%
enhanced yield. Supplementation at casing in spawn run compost also helps in
early and higher mushroom yield.
4. Ruffling
Ruffling of compost on completion of spawn run is done just
before casing. This practice is particularly useful for round the year cropping when
5-6 crops are taken per year and cropping period is reduced to about 4 weeks, as this
practice helps in exhaustion of compost earlier than normal. Ruffling of casing after a 3-4
days or so after casing is done by some growers to get uniform pinning.
5. Watering
Mushroom contains nearly 90% water and that gives us an idea how
water is important for the crop. Mycelium gets water from compost during spawn run
and compost + casing during case run and from casing during fruit body formation.
Water level in casing is maintained in 2 ways. One way is by its regular spray when
pinheads are pea sized and then by maintaining RH at 80-85% during cropping. If one of the
factors, (water spraying and RH) during cropping is disturbed, it will affect crop
productivity. Low RH during cropping will result in drying of beds, lightweight mushrooms,
discoloration of mushrooms and crop losses. Drying of casing will seal the casing medium
resulting in mat formation, which becomes impervious to water, and results in tremendous
crop losses. Water has to be replenished in casing to accommodate the water losses from
casing due to mushroom growth and evaporation. Lesser the water loss to room
air, better it is. Bed moisture and RH are although two different factors, but are
interdependent. Water spraying on mushroom beds at pin breaks should be avoided. The casing
should be wet enough when fresh air is brought in and room temperature lowered. The
wetness should be sustained till pin heads become pea sized, and that is the stage
when bed will require additional watering to allow pea-sized pins to develop into
button sized mushrooms. Watering to beds requires monitoring at each stage. RH in the
cropping room is monitored by using dry & wet bulb thermometers. Two ordinary stem
thermometers are put in the cropping room, placing one in the casing/compost bed and one
hanging in the air nearby (few cm apart). Bed temperature is 1-2°C higher than air
temperature. Computer control of AHU ensures application of cropping parameters with precision
during spawn run, case run and cropping. The water used for irrigation (spraying)
on mushroom beds should be clean, neutral in pH and free from salts, heavy metals
and other impurities. Water good enough for drinking/watering for vegetables/field
crops is also good for mushroom cultivation. It is desirable to test the quality of
water before the mushroom growing is started at a particular site.
6. Harvesting and after care
Mushrooms with 4-5 cm dia., with hard pileus and closed veil are
ready for the harvest. Mushrooms are harvested by holding them between
forefinger and thumb, and rotating in clockwise/anticlockwise direction. The soiled stem
portion is cut with sharp
edged knife and mushrooms are collected grade-wise in baskets.
Dropping of the stem cuttings on the floor or the bed should be avoided, as these
will promote the growth of undesirable microorganisms. Cleaning of mushroom beds and floor
is recommended after each crop harvest. Fresh casing is applied at places from
where mushrooms have been removed. Water is sprayed at the rate the mushrooms have
been harvested, i.e. for every kg of mushroom harvested 1 litre of water is added after
harvesting. Damaged pins/mushrooms, if any, are also to be removed from the bed manually.
If bunching of mushrooms is observed, then there is a need to address the
climate controls for creation of optimal environmental conditions during pinhead formation.
Mushrooms after harvest are graded, packed in PP bags/card board
boxes and preferably chilled at 4°C for 6-8 hours before sending to the
market. The pre-market chilling enhances the shelf life of mushrooms. While harvesting
care should be taken to keep the pileus free from casing soil, as it stains the
mushrooms. Washing of mushrooms to make them extra white for increased acceptability in the
market is undesirable, especially with Potassium metabisulphite solution. Unwashed mushrooms stay
fresh for a longer period. Mushrooms should be handled carefully, and not bruised
during the harvesting operation. Bruising will damage the mushroom tissue, which will
turn the pileus dark/pink on exposure to air. While packaging mushrooms in PP bag one
should not forget to make a small hole (0.2 mm), as it will prevent the development
of aflatoxins in transit or storage.
Button mushroom can be stored at 4°C for a few days without any
deterioration in its quality but it is desirable to consume/market fresh mushrooms.
Since button mushroom has a very short shelf life and it cannot be stored for longer
periods, hence it requires processing for long storage. Mushrooms are best preserved in
brine solution after blanching, either in cans or jars. The properly processed
mushrooms stay in good condition for over a period of 1 year. It is possible to
transport canned mushrooms over longer distances without any deterioration in their quality. But
fresh mushrooms can only be transported short distances in refrigerated vans/by air to
reach up to a remunerative market.
B. Environmental Crop Management
Mushroom is an indoor crop, raised in cropping rooms with
simulated environmental conditions suiting to a particular mushroom. Hence management of
crop environment becomes utmost important. It includes the temperature, RH, CO2
concentration, air speed/evaporation rate over crop beds, air changes in the room/oxygen
availability and other such factors, which directly influence crop productivity.
The environment management in the cropping room includes
addressing of the
following factors:
1. Temperature
2. Relative humidity (RH)
3. CO2 concentration
1. Temperature
Temperature in the room has two areas for monitoring i.e., air
temperature and bed
temperature. Temperature has direct bearing on crop productivity in synergy
with other

Fig. 4. Schematic
view of Air Handling Unit and aeration duct
actors like RH and CO2 /O2 conc. in the cropping room. The bed
temperature in the cropping room is directly influenced by the air temperature, so
it is the air temperature that has to be addressed. The air temperature inside the room
can be manipulated with use of cooling/heating coils in an Air Handling Unit (AHU)
installed inside or outside the cropping room for climate control. An independent AHU is
desirable for each cropping room. The AHU inside contains a set of cooling coils, heating
coils, RH fogging jets and a centrifugal blower fan for blowing the conditioned air into
the cropping room (Fig. 4).
The AHU is generally installed on top of the entry door and is
joined with a recirculating duct from inside the cropping room. The cooling coils are fed
with chilled water from the chiller, while the heating coils are fed with steam from boiler
and fogging jets get water from trough placed at the bottom of the AHU by a small pump. The
cooling requirement will depend upon compost quantity fed inside the room, outside
prevailing temperature, insulation on the walls, etc. The blower fan blows the
conditioned air into the room (Fig..3). The fresh air into the room goes in via AHU through a
control valve, and during most of the crop raising period fresh air valve is placed at 20-30%
and recirculating at 70-80% During spawn run the entire air is recirculated (100%) and no
fresh air entry is required.
a. Spawn run
For spawn run air temperature of 23 ± 1°C is maintained inside
the cropping room, which corresponds to bed temperature of 24-25°C (1-2°C higher
than air temperature). During this phase, the fresh air valve is closed and entire air
is recirculated, allowing the carbon dioxide to accumulate to the level of 15000 ppm,
desirable for quick spawn run.
Higher concentration of CO2 accelerates the spawn run/vegetative
growth of the mushroom. Any increase or decrease in temperature effects the
CO2 production of the compost and the RH of the room. With increase in temperature, RH
will tend to fall, and just vice versa with decrease in temperature. The properly
insulated room will ensure uniform temperature inside the cropping room at every stage of
crop growth. The heat from the cropping room is removed via cooling coils fitted
inside the AHU.
b. Case run
The environmental conditions suitable for spawn run, are
suitable for case run as well. The same conditions, as for spawn run will be continued
for next 7 days for case run, i.e., temperature of 23 ± 1°C in the air and 24-25°C in
the bed. The RH/CO2 will also be same as for spawn run. Under aforesaid conditions the case
run will be completed within one week, and at the same time the mycelium is observed
in the casing valleys. Valleys are the areas between the peaks as can be seen on top of
casing. The CO2 conc. and RH should also be maintained within the optimum range for quick
and effective case run.
c. Cropping
After completion of case run, cooling inside the room is
enhanced to bring the air temp. down to 15-17°C in the room within 2-3 days time.
Simultaneously, the fresh air vent is opened to 30% and rest of the air is recirculated (70%).
This brings down the CO2 conc. inside the room to 800 to 1000 ppm, desired for pinhead
formation. Likewise, the RH is also reduced to 85% from 95%. This facilitates pinhead
formation on the casing within a week’s time. The pinheads grow into full button sized
mushrooms in another 3-4 days. At this stage fresh air can be slightly reduced to
achieve 1000-1500 ppm CO2 concentration. The environment parameters are maintained as
above during entire period of cropping. Since the temperature has influence on RH and CO2
production from compost hence should be manipulated, keeping in mind its effect on other
two factors. All the three parameters work in synergy with each other to induce
pinning. The pinning will be affected adversely if any of these factors is not in its optimal
range. High temperature for a long period of time during cropping will
lead to sealing of casing, and will result in stopping of pinhead formation. The
mycelium will continue growing in vegetative phase and will seal the casing, making it
impervious to water, thus resulting in serious yield losses. The desired temperature in
cropping room can be maintained with good precision by the use of sensors and
controlling devices attached to cooling/heating coil inlets fitted inside the AHU. These devices
are easily available and are effective in temperature control in the cropping room.
2. Relative humidity
Relative Humidity (RH) is the ratio/proportion between absolute
humidity (AH) and saturation point of humidity (SPH) at a given temperature,
expressed in percentage. Absolute humidity is number of grams of water vapours contained
in a cubic meter of air at a given temperature. Saturation point of humidity is the
maximum number of grams of water vapours feasible in a cubic meter of air at a
given temperature. Relative humidity (RH) of 85% is necessary for obtaining
highest pin head formation in synergy with other factors like temperature and
CO2 concentration. RH of 85% permits slow evaporation of
water from the crop bed to air in the cropping room and thereby
facilitating the upward movement of nutrients in the compost. This exchange of
air facilitates loss of CO2 + heat into the air, necessary for healthy pin head
development and crop productivity.
In the event of RH falling below 85% inside the cropping room,
more moisture from the crop bed will be withdrawn resulting in drying of the
casing layer. This will seal the casing and result in crop losses. Lower RH in
the room will be indicated by bed temperature falling below the air temperature,
an undesirable situation to be avoided at any cost. Under normal circumstances
the bed temperature is always higher by 1-2°C than air temperature for
development of a healthy crop of mushrooms. For round the clock monitoring of
RH, monitoring of the bed and air temperature inside the room is desirable.
The incoming air should be humidified enough to prevent loss of
moisture from the crop beds. Evaporation of moisture from crop beds has to be
taken into consideration for calculating the g of water vapours required per m3
air in a room for maintaining the required RH for cropping. Air in a cropping
room contains 9.6 g water vapours per m3 of air at 14°C (A), the saturation
point of humidity at 14°C is 12 g/m3 (S). The RH of the room air will be A/S ×
100=9.6/12 × 100 = 80%. The ultimate expression is the quantity of water
vapours contained per m3 of the air space of the room at a given temperature. 31
g of water vapours gets evaporated from 1 m2 bed area at 17°C/85% RH/hour. The
change in room temperature will alter the RH in the room. Use of RH sensors with
cut off/starting devices for recording and maintenance of RH in a cropping room
is very useful. The sensors will control the fogging jets in the AHU as per the
requirement in the room. For obtaining a temperature of 17°C and RH of 85% in
the cropping room, air temperature is brought down to 14°C at exit point of AHU
with 100% RH. The air on reaching the crop bed will receive some heat from crop
bed and raise the air temperature to 17°C with RH automatically falling to 85%.
3. Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide concentration is the third important factor in
management of environment inside the cropping room. CO2 is produced by actively
growing microorganisms in compost during spawn run, case run and by mushroom
mycelia and mushrooms during entire cropping cycle (Fig. 9.5).
During spawn run, higher concentration of CO2 is desirable,
which helps in quick and quality spawn run. For spawn run, CO2 concentration
between 10000-15000 ppm is desirable (strain dependent) and it helps in quick
spawn run in compost. Higher concentration of CO2 is also desirable during case
run (Fig. 9.6). For pinning and cropping, the CO2 concentration is lowered
around ambient (800-1000 ppm). CO2 concentration upto 1500 ppm is maintained
during pinning & cropping, and this is done by venting/opening of fresh air
duct to bring in oxygen and exhaust of CO2 from exhaust vents under positive
pressure. The opening of vent will bring in fresh air, which is conditioned in
AHU (heated or cooled/humidified) and then blown into the cropping room via
ducts. The CO2 gets

Fig. 5. CO2
production during different
Fig. 6. CO2
requirement at different stages
mixed up with the fresh air and is carried under positive
pressure towards the exhaust vent and finally exhausted. This also facilitates
the exhaust of heat alongwith the CO2 from the room air. The heat is removed via
cooling coils after the room air gets into the AHU via recirculating duct.
During air circulation, recommended air speed over the crop beds is 15cm/sec.
Ensure that the desired air movement is there in the central shelf in the middle
row. This can be checked with the help of a burning incense stick, which will
indicate the direction of air movement in the cropping room.
Higher concentration of CO2 during pinning can seal the casing
or produce onion shaped mushrooms with a bulbous base & a small cap. During
development from pinhead to button sized mushroom, higher concentration of CO2
will lead to long stiped mushrooms with a small cap (opened), which reduces the
crop yields. By gentle movement of air over the crop beds, the CO2 is carried
away from the crop canopy, thus saving the bad effect of CO2 trapped between the
mushrooms in the crop canopy. To ensure healthy crop production, about 6 air
changes per hour are recommended from the venting time to completion of first 2
flushes. During this period, CO2 production is highest (10 g/h/m2) and it
requires to be removed at a faster rate. Along with CO2, heat is also produced @
10W per hour from one m2 bed area at 17°C and 88% RH.
In subsequent flushes, 4 air changes per hour are sufficient to
maintain right O2 content in the cropping room (about 16%). During first two
flushes fresh air vent is opened to 30% entry and 70% recirculation, and in
subsequent flushes the fresh air vent is put at 20% and recirculation at 80%.
Use 2 μm mesh filters on fresh air entry points into the cropping room to
restrict the entry of diseases/competitor mould spores. The CO2 after mixing
with the room air, gets exhausted under positive pressure from exhaust vents,
thereby helping in heat + CO2 removal from the room. Maintenance of right
combination of casing moisture (about 50 ± 2%), CO2 concentration, RH and
temperature at

Fig. 7. High CO2
symptoms in button mushroom
pinning stage of crop growth helps in obtaining a heavy pin set,
thus resulting in a luxurious crop growth and excellent yield of mushrooms.
If onion sized mushrooms/drum sticks (Fig. 9.7) are observed,
correct air circulation for effective CO2 removal from crop beds is required.
Lack of air movement and accumulation of CO2 creates this type of situation.
Long stemmed mushrooms are again the outcome of CO2 accumulation in the air
around crop canopy due to faulty air movement/air circulation inside the
cropping room.
C. Airing Procedure for Fruiting
Venting or opening of fresh air for induction of fruiting after
case run is a critical phase in mushroom growing. Whether to cool first or bring
in fresh air first is a question bothering commercial mushroom growers. The
airing is done suiting a particular situation, whether one wants to have a heavy
first flush followed by moderate flushes later or equally spaced flushes. The
airing accordingly is handled under 3 heads:
1. Soft airing
2. Moderate airing
3. Severe airing
1. Soft airing
Soft airing means that we will have severe restriction on
venting to get smaller flushes suiting to market demand and the air is opened slowly.
The growing parameters to be manipulated for soft airing are listed below:
Air temperature
19°C in 48 hours
Compost temperature
21°C in 96 hours
CO2 concentration
4000 ppm in 48 hours
2000 ppm next 24 hours
1000 ppm after 72 hours
98% to 92% in 48
2. Moderate airing
Moderate airing means that we will have some restriction on
airing/venting to get well spaced flushes of moderate levels.
The growing parameters to be manipulated for moderate airing are
listed as under:
Air temperature
17°C in 24 hours
Compost temperature
20°C in 72 hours
CO2 concentration
2000-2500 ppm in 24 hours
Less than 1000 ppm in 48 hours
98% to 92% in 24 hours
3. Severe airing
Severe airing is done to obtain a heavy first flush and no
restriction is put on airing. This results in heavy pin set and large first flush, followed by
smaller subsequent flushes.
The growing parameters to be manipulated for severe airing are
listed below:
Air temperature
15°C as soon as possible
Compost temperature
20°C in 48 hours
CO2 concentration
Less than 1000 ppm in 12 hours
98% to 90% in 12 hours