A number of
harmful fungi are encountered in compost and casing soil during the cultivation
of white button mushroom. Many of these act as competitor moulds adversely
affect spawn run whereas others attack the fruit bodies at various stages of
crop growth producing distinct disease symptoms. At times there is complete crop
failure depending upon the stage of infection, quality of compost and
environmental conditions. At any phase, an undesirable growth of certain mould
may adversely affects the final mushroom yield. A brief description of
competitor moulds and diseases in commercially important mushrooms is given
A. Fungal
Diseases and Competitor Moulds
1. White
button mushroom
Competitor/indicator/weed moulds
Various moulds
are encountered during button mushroom cultivation and detail description of
these moulds is described in Table 18.1:
Table 18.1. Moulds
encountered during mushroom cultivation and their indication

False truffle is an
impediment in the production of A. bitorquis (a species of button mushroom that
can fruit at 250C) in India because this fungus manifests at a temperature above
230C. The disease is of common occurrence during February or early March in A.
bisporus in the plains of the Northern India and during summer months in A.
bisporus and A. bitorquis in hilly regions of the country. The colour of the
fluffy mycelium is white to start with and turns to creamy yellow at later
stages. It appears as small wefts of white cream coloured mycelium in compost
and casing soil, usually more conspicuous in the layer where compost and casing
mixture meet and also on casing Gradually the mycelial growth become thicker
and develops into whitish, solid, wrinkled, rounded to irregular fungal masses
resembling small brains (ascocarps of the fungus), looking like peeled walnuts
(Fig 1). They vary appreciably in size ranging from 0.5 to 3 cm in diameter. At
maturity they become pink, spawn run disappears and finally disintegrate into a
powdery mass emitting chlorine like odour. The fungus does not allow the
mushroom mycelium to grow and compost turns dull brown. The affected patches
turns soggy and disappears.
Ascospores develop in truffles in 3 to 6 weeks and are released when the truffle
disintegrates. Ascospore production is abundant at 25 to 30°C. Ascospore
germination upto 70% has been recorded at 27°C after giving heat stimulus at
40-50°C for half an hour. The major sources of infection are casing soil and
surviving ascospores /mycelium from the previous crops. Ascospores can survive
for a period of 5 years in soil and spent compost while mycelium can survive for
6 months and thus serve as the major source of primary inoculum.
Compost should be prepared on a concrete floor and
never on uncovered soil as during composting there is rise in temperature, which
activates the ascospores present in the soil.
Pasteurization and conditioning of the compost
should be carried out carefully.
Temperature above 26-27°C during spawn run and
after casing should be avoided. During cropping, temperatures should be kept
below 18°C.
Casing soil suspected to harbour traces of spores
should not be used. Young truffles must be picked and buried before the fruit
bodies turn brown and spores are mature.
Good cook out (compost temperature 70°C for 12h.)
at the end of the crop should be carried out, which will kill mycelium and
spores of the pathogen in the compost.
Initial infection can be checked by treating the
affected patches with formaldehyde (2%) solution.
Fig. 1. Whitish, solid, wrinkled, rounded to irregular fungal masses of false
Fig. 2. Grey-green
cockle-burns of olive green mould
Olive green mould (Chaetomium
olivaceum, C. globosum)
earliest sign of the fungus consists of an inconspicuous greyish-white fine
mycelium in the compost or a fine aerial growth on the compost surface, 7-10
days after spawning. Frequently initial spawn growth is delayed and reduced. By
late spawn run, fruiting structures that look like grey-green cockle-burns-1/16
inch in diameter (Fig. 2), develop on straw in isolated spots of the affected
compost. The compost has a musty odour. Spawn usually grows into areas occupied
by Chaetomium, although normal spawn growth is delayed. C globosum is also
noticed in spawn bottles.
The infection
usually comes through air, compost and casing soil. It appears due to improper
pasteurization accompanied by high temperature in the absence of adequate fresh
air in phase-II. Loading to much compost in the tunnel having high moisture and
bulk density not allowing proper penetration of air during Phase-II. This result
in non-selective compost harbouring Chaetomium and other moulds. Spores are
resistant to heat and are probably not killed easily during pasteurization. High
moisture in compost results in the conversion of nitrogenous compounds into
amines. Unfavourable conversions often result in renewed production of anhydrous
ammonia, which prompts the growth of ammonia. Sometimes, the temperature is too
high in certain spots of the tunnel, or may be less of oxygen, which often
results in olive-green mould appearance. Ascospores are spread by air flows,
clothes and other materials used in mushroom farm.
The fermentation period of the compost should not
be too short. It is essential to achieve active compost that is not too wet and
has a good structure.
Do not add nitrogen sources like, ammonium
sulphate, urea, chicken manure or similar materials just before filling.
Compost should be properly pasteurized and
conditioned with ample supply of fresh air. Higher temperatures (above 60°C)
for longer time should be avoided.
Sprays of Dithane Z-78 (0.2%) is recommended for
the control of olive green mould.
3. Brown plaster mould
Fig. 4. Yellow mould
iii. Brown
plaster mould (Papulaspora
It is
first noticed as whitish mycelial growth on the exposed surface of compost and
casing soil in trays as well as on sides in bags due to moisture condensation.
This develops further into large dense patches gradually changing colour through
shades of tan, light brown to cinnamon brown ultimately becoming rust coloured
(Fig. 3). No mushroom mycelium grows on places where brown plaster mould occurs.
infection comes through air-borne bulbils or containers, compost and casing soil
and workers. Its development is favoured by wet, soggy and wrongly prepared
compost. Higher temperature during spawn run and cropping favours the disease
Composting should be carried out carefully using
sufficient gypsum and not too much water.
Peak heating / pasteurization should be for
sufficient duration and at proper temperature. The compost should not be too wet
before or after peak heating/ pasteurization.
Localized treatment of infected patches with 2%
iv. Yellow
mould (Myceliophthora
lutea, Chrysosporium luteum, C. sulphureum)
moulds may develop in a layer below the casing (Mat disease), form circular
colonies (Fig.4) in the compost (confetti) or they may be distributed throughout
the compost (Vert-de-girs). In India, M. lutea is reported to induce mat
disease. This fungus forms a yellow brown corky mycelial layer at the interphase
of compost and casing, which is difficult to detect during the impregnation of
casing layer by the spawn and even during the first break. It becomes apparent
when it develops its stroma like morphology and mushroom production is severely
The major source of primary inoculum is air, chicken manure and spent compost.
The secondary spread is mainly through mites, flies, water splashes, picking and
tools. The fungus survives easily in the form of thick walled chlamydospores.
Disease severity is generally more at high moisture content and 19-20°C
Properly pasteurized short method compost should be
Proper pasteurization of the casing mixture is very
Bavistin (0.05%), blitox (0.04%) and calcium
hypochlorite solution (15%) is effective for the control of this disease.
Sepdonium yellow/ Tikki mould: (Sepedonium
This mould
is mainly observed in the compost and is initially white in colour turning to
yellow or tan at maturity (Fig. 5). It is generally present in the lower layers
of the compost or at bottom of the cropping bags. Various types of distortions
in fruit bodies are commonly observed, probably due to the production of
volatile substances or toxins. These toxins inhibit the spawn and ultimately
mushroom mycelium disappears from the compost.
Primary sources
of inoculum are soil, unpasteurized compost, spent compost, air or improperly
sterilized wooden bamboos. The chlamydospore are thickwalled and resistant to
heat. The fungus may also survive pasteurization temperature. Spores can spread
to the compost by air currents prior to or during filling operation, during
spawning operation or with unpasteurized or spent compost left in cropping room
/ sticking to bamboos under seasonal cultivation. Conditions favourable for
button mushroom cultivation also favour the Sepedonium mould. Higher N content,
especially in the form of chicken manure, has been reported to favour the mould
development. Its appearance in the lower layers of the compsot has been linked
with high moisture. Chicken manure harbours very high population of Sepedonium
spp., which serves as the primary source of inoculum in long method compost.

Fig. 5 Tikki
Strict temperature monitoring and
control during compost pasteurization and an adequate post-crop cooking out are
essential to eliminate the threat of infection.
Preventing the entry of spores
during spawning and spawn-running by installing high-efficiency air filters is
Incorporation of 0.5% carbendazim
in compost and sterilizing chicken manure (for long method of composting) with
2% formalin or 0.5% carbendazim has shown good results.
Treating finally prepared long
method compost with 1.5 litre of formalin and 50 g of bavisitin per ton of ready
compost and covering it with polythene sheets for 2 days prior to spawning
almost eliminates the disease.
vi. Ink
caps (Coprinus spp.)
Ink caps appear
in the compost during spawn run or newly cased beds and outside the compost
piles during fermentation. They are slender, bell-shaped mushrooms (Fig.6).
Cream coloured at first, bluish-black later and are usually covered with scales.
This fungus sometimes grows in clusters in beds and has a long sturdy stem,
which often reaches deep into the compost layer. Several days after their
appearance ink caps decay and form a blackish slimy mass due to autodigestion.

Fig. 6. Ink caps
Epidemiology: The
infection generally comes through unpasteurized or improperly pasteurized
compost or casing soil or air. Ink caps appear if the compost contains too much
N, (too much chicken manure is used) or if the pasteurization period is too
short. These are, therefore, genuine indicator moulds which indicate presence of
NH3. Ink caps can also develop if insufficient gypsum is added to the compost or
if peak heating has taken place at too low temperature or if the compost is too
wet and poor in texture. Their incidence is also reported when old straw is used
for composting. Ink caps can directly use free NH4 + and can also decompose
cellulose very well, in addition to lipids and lignin. They are genuine
coprophillic fungi, which have an optimum pH of around 8. The large masses of
spores released through inking of the caps can very easily infect freshly
prepared compost.
● Use
properly pasteurized compost and casing soil. Avoid excessive watering. Rogue
out young fruit bodies of the weed fungus to avoid its further spread.
● Prepare
compost using fresh straw.
● Ammonia
in the compost at spawning should be less than 10 ppm i.e. no smell of
vii. Cinnamon mould (Chromelosporium
fulva, Perfect status Peziza ostrachoderma)
Its colour ranges from yellow gold to golden brown to cinnamon
brown. The mould first appears as large circular patches of white aerial
mycelium on the compost or casing (Fig. .7). Within few days the spores are
formed and the colour changes from white to light yellow or light golden brown.
As the spores mature, the colour changes to golden brown or cinnamon and the
colony develops a granular appearance. Later the fungus produces numerous
cup-like fleshy fruit bodies on beds (Fig. .8).
Epidemiology: Casing
soil mixture and damp wood are the source of primary inoculum. Inoculum can blow
through open doors or splash from floor during cleaning. The spores of the
fungus are air-borne. Over pasteurized compost, over-heated patches during spawn
run, high moisture content of the compost and excess of ammonia present in the
compost favour the disease development.

Fig.7. White
aerial mycelium of cinnamon brown mould
Fig. 8. Cup-like
fleshy fruit bodies of cinnamon brown mould
● Casing
soil should be properly sterilized by steam or formaldehyde. Newly cased beds
should be sprayed with dithane Z-78 and maintain proper moisture content in
casing layer.
viii. Lipstick Mould (Sporendonema
The disease first appears in spawned compost as a white
crystalline mould, rather nondiscernable from spawn. As the spore of the mould
mature, the colour changes from white to pink, to cherry red and then to dull
orange or buff. White mycelial growth is more in loose areas of casing and can
colonize well conditioned compost. In crops where there is a serious virus
disease, lipstick mould usually occurs as a secondary disease.
Soil, casing mixture and spent compost are the sources of primary inoculum.
Water splashes or pickers further disseminate it. The mould is reported to be
associated with the use of chicken manure in the compost.
● Good
hygiene is essential. Good pasteurization and conditioning of the compost will
eliminate the pathogen.
ix. Pink mould (Cephalothecium
This mould appears as a white growth on the casing soil, which
turns pink in due course. Infection generally comes through air. Mould can be
checked by spraying thiram or captan (0.04%) twice on casing soil at 10 days
x. Oedocephalum mould (Oedocephalum
This is a common mould observed on mushroom beds in Himachal
Pradesh and incidence upto 60% has been observed in a farm at Solan during 1991.
Artificial inoculation 162
Mushrooms : Cultivation, Marketing and Consumption of
casing layer with O. fimetarium @ 5 g inoculum per 10 kg compost bag reduced the
number and weight of fruiting bodies by 19.9% and 11.63%, respectively. The
mould forms irregular, light silver gray patches on the compost surface during
cooling before spawning. After spawning, the mould is light gray but changes to
dark tan or light brown as the spores mature. Similar growth is also recorded on
casing layer. Oedocephalum sp. in compost indicates that ammonia and amines were
not completely eliminated during pasteurization and conditioning. Spraying or
swabbing locally with 2% formalin controls the mould.
xi. White plaster mould (Scopulariopsis
The mould appears as white patches on the compost or casing
soil. These patches or mycelial mats may be more than 50 cm under favourable
conditions. The white growth changes to light pink after a week of the formation
of the spot. Spawn run is reduced significantly and under severe conditions
complete crop failure is also recorded. The pathogen is favoured by under or
overcomposting, which still retains the smell of ammonia and has high pH
(>8.0). Proper composting and addition of optimum quantities of water and
gypsum are recommended. Sprays of bavistin (0.1%) and local application of
formalin (2%) after the removal of the mat are helpful in controlling the mould.
b. Fungal diseases
i. Wet bubble (Mycogone
Wet bubble produces two main symptoms, infected sporophores and
sclerodermoid masses, which are the result of infection by M. perniciosa at
different stages in the development of the sporophores. When infection takes
place before the differentiation of stipe and pileus, the sclerodermoid (Fig.
18.9) is formed, whereas, infection after differetration results in the
production of thickened stipe (Fig. 10) with deformation of the gills. The
disease also results into white mouldy growth on the mushrooms, leading to their
putrifaction (giving foul odour) with a golden brown liquid exudates. Cross
section of deformed sporophores without cottony growth showed black circular
area just beneath the upper layer.
Epidemiology : M.
perniciosa spreads primarily through casing soil but the introduction of
pathogen through other agencies, like spent compost and infected trash, can not
be ruled out. The infection can be air-borne, water borne or may be mechanically
carried by mites and flies. Water splash is an important factor for wet bubble
spread on the beds. Spread through contact also occurres readily during watering
and especially during harvesting. Chlamydospores have been reported to survive
for a long time (upto 3 years) in casing soil and may serve as the primary
source of inoculum. The aleurospores produced on the surface of monestrous
structures are probably responsible for secondary infection.
● Benomyl
spray @ 0.1% immediately after casing has been reported to be very effective for
protecting the crop. Application of carbendazim, chlorothalonil, prochloraz
manganese complex (Sportak 50 WP) @ 0.1% into casing mixture have also been
recommended for the management of wet bubble. A spray of 0.8 per cent formalin
on to casing surface, immediately after its application on the beds is also

Fig.9. Selerodermoid
(Wet bubble infection)
Fig. 10. Thickened stipe: wet bubble infection
Fig. 11. Typical
onion shaped mushroom symptoms of dry bubble
Use plastic pots/ cups to cover mushroom showing wet bubble
symptoms during the cropping season to prevent spread of disease.
ii. Dry bubble (Verticillium
This is the most common and serious fungal disease of mushroom
crop. If it is left uncontrolled, disease can totally destroy a crop in 2-3
weeks. Whitish mycelial growth is initially noticed on the casing soil, which
has a tendency to turn greyish yellow.
If infection takes place in an early stage, typical onion shaped
mushrooms are produced (Fig. 11). Sometimes they appear as small
undifferentiated masses of tissue upto 2cm in diameter. When affected at a later
stage, crooked and deformed mushrooms with distorted stipes and tilted cap can
be seen. When a part of the cap is affected hare-lip
symptom is noticed. On fully developed fruit bodies, it produces localized light
brown depressed spots. Adjacent spots coalesce and form irregular brown
blotches. Diseased caps shrink in blotched area, turn leathery, dry and show
cracks. Infected fruit bodies are malformed, onion shaped and become irregular
and swollen mass of dry leathery tissue.
Epidemiology: The
disease is introduced (primary infection) on to the farm by infected casing
soil. Spread occurs by infected equipments, hands and clothings. The fungus is
soil borne and spores can survive in the moist soil for one year. It also
perpetuates through resting mycelium in spent compost. The optimum temperature
for disease development is 20°C. The period from infection to symptom
expression is 10 days for the distortion symptoms and 3-4 days for cap spotting
at 20°C. The pathogen grows best at 24°C. High humidity, lack of proper air
circulation, delayed picking and temperature above 16°C favours its development
and spread. It becomes more common when cropping is extended beyond two months.
Use of sterilized casing soil, proper disposal of spent compost
and proper hygiene and sanitation are essential to avoid primary infection Two
to three sprays of zineb (Dithane Z-78) @ 0.15% give good control of the
disease. Carbendazim (bavistin) or benomyl (benlate) or thiophenate methyl @
0.1% spray immediately after casing also control the disease. Application of
prochloraz manganese complex (Sportak 50WP) @ 0.05%, 9 days after casing is also
recommended for the management of the disease. Use of formaldehyde (2%)
immediately after casing is also advocated for the effective management of dry
iii. Cobweb (Cladobotryum
Cobweb appears first as small white patches on the casing soil,
which then spreads, to the nearest mushroom by a fine grey white mycelium. A
floccose white mycelium covers the stipe (Fig. 12), pileus and gills, eventually
resulting in decomposition of entire fruit body. As the infection develops,
mycelium becomes pigmented turning a delicate pink cover. In severe attacks, a
dense white mould develops over casing and mushrooms change from a fluffy cobweb
to a dense mat of mycelium. The white colour can turn pink or even red with age.
High relative humidity and temperature encourage the disease. Spread is mainly
by conidia. The pathogen is a soil inhabiting fungus and is normally introduced
into the crop by soil contamination, spores, mycelium on crop debris or by farm
workers Spores can easily spread by air movement, workers hands, tools and
clothing and by water splash. A high RH and temperature range of 19-22°C
results in maximum yield loss.
● Regular
cleaning, removal of cut mushroom stems and young half dead mushrooms after each
break. Controlling temperature and humidity helps in controlling the disease.
● Annual
disinfection of houses and surrounding areas with 2% bordeaux mixture or with 5%
formalin solution or fumigation with 2.0-2.5 L formalin and 0.5-1.0 kg
chlorinated lime/100 m3 is helpful in controlling disease. Immediate spray after
casing with benomyl @ 0.1% also controls the disease. Single application of
prochloraz manganese complex (sporgon) at 1.5 g a.i./m2 of bed 9 days after
casing gives satisfactory control of the diseases.
iv. Green mould (Trichoderma
viride, T.hamatum, T.harzianum, T.koningii, Penicillium cyclopium, Aspergillus
Fig. 13.
Green mould
Different species of Trichoderma have been reported to be
associated with green mould symptoms in compost, on casing soil, in the spawn
bottles and on grains after spawning. A dense, pure white growth of mycelium may
appear on casing surface or in compost, which resembles the mushroom mycelium.
Later on mycelial mat turns to green colour (Fig. 13) because of heavy
sporulation of causal agent, which is a characteristic symptom of the disease.
Thereafter, the mould creeps to surface of casing layer and infects the new
parts and developing newly borne primordia. Mushrooms developing in or near this
mycelium are brown, may crack and distort, and the stipe peels in a way similar
to mushrooms attacked by Verticillium fungicola causing dry bubble disease. Some
species induce brownish lesions / spots on caps which may cover the entire cap
surface under congenial conditions.
Epidemiology: Green
mould generally appears in compost rich in carbohydrates and deficient in
nitrogen. If during phase II the compost is trampled too hard in the beds, or
the filling weight is too high, this can make the peak heating/ pasteurization
difficult. This is certainly the case with compost, which has a short texture
and which might also have too high moisture content, resulting in improper
pasteurization and conditioning of compost. Frequent use of formalin also tends
to promote the development of green moulds. Different sources of primary
inoculum of Trichoderma spp. could be dust particles, contaminated clothings,
animal vectors especially the mite, Pygmephorus mesembrinae and sciarid flies,
air-borne infection, infected spawn, surface spawning, contamination 166
Mushrooms : Cultivation, Marketing and Consumption of
compost by handling, machinery and equipments at the mushroom farm. High
relative humidity accompanied by a low pH in the casing soil also promotes the
development of
Trichoderma spp.Control
● Very
good hygiene
● Proper
pasteurization and conditioning of compost
● Sterilizing
the supplements before use and mixing them thoroughly preferably
after spawning
● Using
the correct concentration of formalin (maximum 2%)
● Weekly
sprays of mancozeb (0.2%) or bavistin (0.1%) or treatment with zineb
dust gives effective control of the disease
2. Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.)
a. Competitor moulds/weed moulds
Different fungi occurring in the substrate and competing with
mushroom mycelium for space and nutrition are: Arthrobotrys sp., Aspergillus
niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, Alternaria alternata, Cephalosporium aspermum,
C. acremonium, Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium cladosporoides, Coprinus
retirugis, C. sterguilinus, Coprinus spp., Cochliobolus specifer, Drechslera
bicolor, Fusarium moniliforme, Momniella echinata, Mucor sp., Penicillium sp.,
Rhizopus oryzae, R. stolonifer, Stachybotrys chartarum, Stilbum nanum, Stysanus
medius, Sclerotium rolfsii, Sordaria fimicola, Oedocephalum globerulosum,
O.lineatum, Trichoderma viride, Trichothecium roseum Trichurus terrophilus and
Phialospora sp. Loss in yield in different Pleurotus spp. by these competitor
moulds has been reported upto 70%. In addition to these moulds being
competitive, some produce metabolites, which directly inhibit the growth of
mushroom mycelium. Most of the competitor moulds have been reported to be
completely inhibited under in vitro and/or in vivo conditions by benomyl (50
ppm), carbendazim + blitox (100 ppm each) and Thiram (100 ppm). If proper
pasteurization/ sterilization procedures are adopted and bags are incubated at
right temperature, recommended bag size are adopted, fresh substrate with right
pH after treatment is used and proper hygiene is maintained during spawning and
cropping, the mould incidence can be minimized. Many of these appear either by
negligence of above-mentioned attributes or if we keep the crop for prolonged
period and expose the crop to too high temperature.
b. Fungal diseases
There are four fungal diseases reported on oyster mushroom from
India. Their causal agents, symptoms and control measures are presented in Table
Table 2. Fungal diseases of
oyster mushrooms in India

3. Paddy straw mushrooms (Volvariella spp.)
Paddy straw mushroom is infected by a number of destructive
diseases/competitor moulds like Mycogone perniciosa, Scopulariopsis fimicola and
Verticillium spp. in other countries. In India, large number of competitor
moulds and few diseases has been reported on this mushroom. Chaetomium spp.,
Alternaria sp., Coprinus spp. and Sordaria sp. are the most commonly observed
contaminants. A ‘button-rot’ disease caused by Sclerotium Cobweb Cladobotrym
apiculatum White cottony growth on the Spray bavistin @0.05% C.verticillatum
substrate (Fig. 14); small brown C.variospermum irregular sunken spots or fluffy
growth on fruit bodies; soft rot and decay of sporophores emitting foul smell.
Green Gliocladium virens Fruit bodies covered by mycelium Spray @ bavistin or
blotch G.deliguescens and green spots; young pin- benomyl 0.01% heads become
soft, brown, pale yellow and decay. Mature fruit bodies show brown spots
enclosed by yellow halo. Brown rot Arthrobotrys pleuroti Fluffy growth on
substrate Spray bavistin @ 0.05% and fruit bodies; infected tissues turn yellow,
water logged and rot. Sibirina Sibirina fungicola Powdery white growth on Proper
aeration and RH rot stipe, gills and the primordia; essential; spray primordia
show brownish benomyl twice discolouration and soft rot and mature fruit bodies
turn fragile.
Fig. 14. Cobweb of
oyster mushroom
sp. and bacterial ‘button-rot’ have also been recorded.
Combination of insecticide, fungicide and antibiotic (Malathion 0.025% + Dithane
Z-78 or benomyl 0.025% + tetracycline 0.025%) are recommended for the management
of pests and diseases. Several other competitor moulds namely, Coprinus aratus,
C. cinereus, C. lacopus, Psathyrella sp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp.,
Rhizopus sp., R. nigricans and Sclerotium spp. have been reported from the
substrate. Partial sterilization of the straw and sprays on the beds with captan
and zineb (0.2%) has been recommended for reducing the damage. Rhizoctoria
solani has been recorded on the substrate, which reduces the sporophore
formation and causes malformation of fruiting primordia. Considering the rate of
growth of paddy straw mushroom and short cropping cycle, disease normally do not
reach unmanageable proposition.
4. Other mushrooms
Sporadic attempts have been made to cultivate few other
mushrooms like giant mushroom (Stropharia rugoso-annulata), black ear mushroom
(Auricularia polytricha), shiitake (Lentinula edodes) and white milky mushroom
(Calocybe indica) in different parts of the country and the competitor
moulds/diseases recorded on them are briefly mentioned below:
Mycogone rosea was observed parasitizing S. rugoso-annulata
under natural conditions. The main symptoms are white cottony growth on gills,
light brown spots on stipe and deformity of the sporophores. Cladobotryum
verticillatum has been reported on Auricularia polytricha producing white fluffy
growth on substrate and fruit bodies resulting in 9-96% yield loss. Carbendazim
(0.05%) spray has been reported to be effective for controlling the disease.
Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma sp., Aspergillus spp. and Fusarium sp. are
commonly recorded as competitors during the cultivation of winter ear mushroom.
During the cultivation of C.indica, several competitor moulds namely,
Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, Rhizopus stolonifer, Mucor sp., S.
rolfsii, T. viride, T. hamatum, Fusarium spp. and Coprinus spp. have been
isolated from the substrate.
B. Bacterial Diseases
Bacterial diseases have been reported to infect A. bisporus, A.
bitorquis, Pleurotus sp., Volvariella sp., Lentinula edodes, Flammulina
velutipes and Auricularia sp. The bacterial pathogens induce varieties of
symptoms like blotch, mummy, pit, drippy gill, soft rot, yellowing, etc. The
bacterial blotch of button mushroom is most important and the same is described
Bacterial blotch (Pseudomonas
tolaasii): Bacterial blotch of white button mushroom is characterized by brown
spots or blotches on the caps and in more severe cases, on the stipes. The most
characteristic symptom of bacterial blotch is the occurrence of dark brown areas
of blotches on the surface of the cap. These may be initially light in colour
but may eventually become dark brown. Severely affected mushrooms may be
distorted and the caps may split where the blotch symptoms occur. The
enlargement of the spots on the cap surface is dependent upon environmental
conditions and is favoured by temperature of at least 20oC together with the
presence of water film. The bacterial blotch spots are slimy.
Epidemiology: Casing
and dust are the primary source of inoculum for the blotch pathogen into a
mushroom house. Even after pasteurization the bacterial pathogen is present in
most casing materials. Occurrence of the disease is associated with the rise in
the bacterial population on the mushroom cap rather than in the casing. Bacteria
present on mushroom surface reproduce in moist conditions especially when
moisture or free water film persists for more than 3 hours. Once the pathogen
has been introduced at the farm, it may survive between crops on the surfaces,
in debris, on tools and on various other structures. When the disease is present
on the farm, its secondary spread may take place through workers, implements,
ingredients, mushroom spores, debris, etc. Sciarids and mites are also important
carriers of the pathogen besides water splashes.
● Manipulation
of relative humidity, temperature, air velocity and air movement are of great
significance in managing the disease. Temperature above 20oC and relative
humidity of more than 85 per cent should be avoided. Additional ventilation and
air circulation after watering can ensure quick drying of mushrooms. Temperature
fluctuations at higher relative humidity leading to water condensation must be
● Application
of bleaching powder @ 0.15% is effective in managing the disease.
C. Viral Diseases
Viruses infect button, oyster, shiitake, paddy straw and winter
mushrooms, however; dieback of button mushroom is the most serious disease.
1. Die back
Mycelium does not permeate or hardly permeates the casing layer
or disappears after the normal spread. Mushrooms appear only in dense clusters,
maturing too early.
Mycelium isolated from diseased fruit bodies shows a slow and
degenerated growth as compared with healthy mycelium. The delayed appearance of
the pinheads in the first
flush and formation of fruiting primordia below the surface of
the casing layer can be an important indication of the disease. These mushrooms
appear above the casing soil
with open pilei. Symptoms on sporophores are highly variable and
they include slow development, abnormal mushrooms, watery stipes, brown stipes
and drum stick type
fruit bodies. Several viruses of different shapes and sizes are
associated with die back disease. In India, viruses measuring 29 nm and 35 nm in
diameter have been found to
be associated with a virus disease of button mushroom.
Transmission of viruses takes place through mycelium and spores.
● At
the termination of the crop, cook out of the compost for 12 hours at 700C and to
remove the compost quickly
● Spray
the wood with 2 % sodium pentachlorophenate and 1.0 % sodium carbonate
● Disinfect
doors, little holes in the floor, shutters, racks, floors and walls with
formalin (2 %). Also clean the compost yard and surroundings with formaldehyde
● Use
of proper filters during phase II operation of the composting
● Immediately
after spawning, spray malathion@ 0.05% and cover the compost with paper. Spray 1
% formalin weekly on the newspaper sheets during spawn run
● Quickly
remove cuttings/litter and destroy
The entire farm and its surroundings should be maintained very
clean. In the working corridor formalin (2%) should be sprayed. Machines,
refrigerator and other utilities should
be disinfected with formalin ( 2%) solution.