
Basic Origin & History Soils Suitable areas for cultivation


Maize (Zea mays L) is the most versatile crop with wider adaptability in varied agro-ecologies. It has highest genetic yield potential among the food grain crops. Globally, it is cultivated on nearly 150 m ha in about 160 countries having wider diversity of soil, climate, biodiversity and management practices that contributes 36 % (782 m t) in the global grain production. The United States of America (USA) has the highest harvest of maize in the world that contributes nearly 20 % of the total production in the world and is the driver of the US economy. The other major countries that contribute significantly to the global maize production are China , Brazil , Mexico , India and Indonesia . The USA has the highest productivity (> 9.6 t ha-1) which is double than the global average productivity (4.92 t ha-1). Whereas, the average productivity in Argentina , China , Brazil , Mexico and India are 6.47, 4.85, 3.7, 2.53 and 2.43 t ha-1, respectively.

In India , maize is the 3rd most important food crops after rice and wheat. It is cultivated in 8.12 m ha (2007-08) under a wide range of agro-ecological situations. Maize in India , contributes nearly 8 % in the national food basket and more than Rs. 100 billion to the agricultural GDP at current prices apart from the providing employment to over 100 million man-days at the farm and downstream agricultural and industrial sectors. In addition to staple food for human being and quality feed for animals, maize serves as a basic raw material as an ingredient to thousands of industrial products that includes starch, oil, protein, alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, film, textile, gum, package and paper industries etc.

Recent trends (2003-04 to 2007-08) in growth rate of area (2.6 %), production (6.4 %) and productivity (3.6 %) of maize in India has been of high order and experienced highest growth rate among the food crops. Since 1950-51, the area, production and productivity of maize have increased by more than 2.5, 11 and 4 times from 3.2 m ha, 1.7 m t and 547 kg ha-1 to current level of 8.12 m ha, 19.77 m t and 2435 kg ha-1, respectively due to increasing demand of maize for diversified purposes. In India , the maize is used as human food (25%), poultry feed (49%), animal feed (12 %), industrial (starch) products (12%), beverages and seed (1 % each). With the increasing trends of maize production, the projected demand of maize (22.73 mt) by the end of XIth five year plan (2011-12) will be achieved through improved maize production technologies focused on ‘Single Cross Hybrids’.

            The maize is cultivated throughout the year in different parts of the country for various purposes including grain, fodder, green cobs, sweet corn, baby corn, pop corn etc. The major maize growing states that contributes more than 80% of the total maize production are Andhra Pradesh (20.9 %), Karnataka (16.5%), Rajasthan (9.9 %), Maharastra (9.1%), Bihar (8.9%), Uttar Pradesh (6.1 %), Madhya Pradesh (5.7 %), Himachal Pradesh (4.4 %). Hence, the maize has emerged as important crop in the non-traditional regions i.e. peninsular India as the state like Andhra Pradesh which ranks 5th in area (0.79 m ha) has recorded highest production (4.14 mt) and productivity (5.26 t/ha) in the country.